Here we are in the critical fortnight, 24th June and the first two weeks of July, colour schemes are now beginning to show themselves off, the pallet this year for me features heavily with pinks, apricots, purple & red. This time is sometimes seen as awkward for the growing season, cutting back was completed as part of the "Chelsea Chop" ( in May ) to prolong the flowering season and now flowers cross over in full bloom, time to consider propogating tender shoots on plants for next year, full on deadheading of roses to prolong the flowering season, give them their 2nd feed to encourage their next flush of blooms.

The list of things to do this month:-
· Keep new plants well watered
· Watch out for summer symptoms, consider pesticides ( evening when the bees have gone )
· Remove any diseased leaves to avoid spread ( burn or bin them do not compost them )
· Continue deadheading, this will pay big dividends
· Hanging baskets now need your full attention
· Prune shrubs that flowered in early summer and take soft cuttings from shrubs
· Summer prune Wisteria
· Fill in any gaps in borders and beds ( pick those bargains at the garden centre )
· Plan to care for your plants if you are away
· Prepare the grounds for new lawns in the autumn
· Trim conifer hedges

Hostas are now at their best with many producing flower heads ranging from white to purple ( and I am now selecting those for splitting in September ) Day Lilies are now at their best for one day of blooms, Canna's start the push on growth before their flowering season and hanging baskets really begin to put on a major show. plenty of watering taking place.
