Summer has got to be the highlight of any gardeners year but the preparation in key, start by visualising the look that you want for me its about creating that palette of colours that will really zing when completed and work towards the end result.
I have baskets, tubs & containers on the decking area that all need to be tied in together so have decided this year the colours are Orange, Purple & Pink and obviously Green to give that "lush" feeling its key when considering planting the size and structure the plants will be when fully grown, don't hold back on volume and consider the following:-
* Time to water ( yes they will need your attention )
* Time to deadhead ( can be time consuming, but required to continue the flowering )
* Where do I sit ( Yes! very important so you can admire from any angle )

My garden is full of seats, the family always comment, but whats the point if you cannot sit and enjoy your results, my seating ranges from the early morning seat to the late evening, allowing my wife ( Ali ) and I to enjoy the garden all day long
